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Written By · 14 August 2023 · 7 min read       Copy Article URL

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  • "And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

    Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist


    Paulo Coelho's enchanting novel, The Alchemist, has inspired millions of readers around the world.  To date, the book has already sold 65 million copies and has been on The New York Times bestseller list for more than 315 weeks. It's also been translated into 80 different languages, setting the Guinness World Record for the most translated book by any living author.


    This story, dazzling in its powerful simplicity and soul-stirring wisdom, is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago, who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried near the Pyramids.


    I dreamed that I should travel to the fields of Spain and look for a ruined church where shepherds and their sheep slept.

    Art by Benjamin Sj'berg.



    Here is what Gowtham Manadath Gokulakrishnan of Secondary 3 Truth, one of the Newsletter members, has to say about his learning experience after reading a masterpiece titled, The Alchemist. In his Response Journal titled 'The Gamble of Life', he tried to express his thoughts regarding the most valuable lessons he learned from the book.


    1. What qualities of Santiago are similar to your qualities as a person?


    Santiago is a hardworking and curious person. Like him, I am also very curious and I want to learn more about the world too.


    2. Which one character in the book (aside from Santiago) has had an impact on you and why?


    When Melchizedek told Santiago to follow his Personal Legend, it almost made me feel like I should follow what I want to become and achieve it.


    3. What two greatest lessons in life have you learned from the book The Alchemist?


    Do not be afraid to make a decision and always get back up when you fall.


    4. What was Santiago's Personal Legend? What do you think is your Personal Legend and how do you plan to pursue or follow yours?


    Santiago believes that 'When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.' My Personal Legend is to become someone who never gives up, someone who does not look back, someone who keeps on moving forward, and getting better.


    5. According to the Englishman, what is the Soul of the World?


    According to the Englishman, one of the characters in the story, the 'Soul of the World' is the unifying principle, overall goal/ dream, and your heart's desire.


    6. Why is the title of the book The Alchemist?


    The title of the book is 'The Alchemist' because in the book, Santiago learned how to turn the base or basic elements of his nature into something precious, by pursuing his dreams, despite all the challenges. He has learned to transform his life into a precious gift, by following the omens and the signs from God.


    7. What advice did the Alchemist give to Santiago about listening to one's heart?


    He made Santiago listen to his heart and follow his dreams.


    'Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World and it will one day, return there.'






    The boy reached through to the Soul of the World and saw that it was a part of the Soul of God.  And he saw that the Soul of God was his own soul. And that he, a boy, could perform miracles. 

    Art by Thanh Soledas.


    'This book focuses on the individual pursuit of dreams. It challenges the readers to think about their Personal Legend. It explores the meaning of 'living the dream'. The story is very enchanting and bursts with optimism.'

    An Out of the Ordinary Journey, Abigail Koshan, Sec 3 Faith




    'The Alchemist has really made an impact on me and on many other people about following their dreams. Even the famous actor, Will Smith, said that this book has changed his life. When I heard these words from him, I realised that some of the things he said are also true for me' The book has taught me to get the most out of life, we must go our own way so that we can all fulfil our Personal Legend. I consider Santiago's entire journey as my journey as I travel through life, facing the hardships and overcoming them, discovering new things and much more."

    My Quest for Dreams, Dylan Sastrawidjaya, Sec 3 Faith




    "The secret to happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon. A shepherd may like to travel, but he should never forget about his sheep - Melchizedek

    ' Personally, these lines really stuck with me. It emphasizes that we can go and explore and have all the fun we deserve, make many new friends, and experience new things, but at the end of the day, we need to remember who we really are and make sure we don't slip onto the wrong path."

    When Light Unfolds, Emmaly Lee Efferin, S3 Faith


    'I think the Alchemist, one of the characters in the book, symbolizes self-development and the value of life. He helped Santiago talk to the wind, the sun, and the desert. He was a very wise person'The book is generally a fun book to read with a fine pack of plot twists. It teaches us the importance of love and listening to our heart.'

    Life's Journey, Jeremy Lucas, S3 Faith




    'I enjoyed reading this book. It helped me understand more about myself. Every time Santiago makes a mistake and learns from it, we, the readers, learn along with him. Sometimes, I see myself in Santiago, a curious person who asks a lot of questions. He also makes mistakes and loses focus. I do too. This book is about love, passion, and determination."

    Finding My Personal Legend, Jessica Ashley, S3 Faith




    'After reading this book, I am glad that I found the answer to one of my questions in life! To not regret, follow your heart and keep going on. I wish that more people in society would go on and chase their dreams and to not give up on them because they do matter!"

    The Odyssey to My Dreams, Michelle G. Liem, S3 Faith




    'With Santiago's story having a happy ending, it made me have a change of heart. Santiago has taught me how, sometimes, opening up to others will really help me face the fears and problems that I face.'

    The Depths of a Dream, Charlene Cieputra, S3 Truth




    'The Alchemist is (now) one of my favourite books. I believe that I can create whatever I want to create if I can study and learn the patterns. I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to be.'

    The Alluring Dream, Cherry Estelle Lioe, S3 Truth




    'I feel like I won't be able to get over this book. It really made me learn and visualise a lot! The plot sequence is unique. I love the ending because it had a small twist making the readers think about what Santiago's treasure really is all about''

    Euphoria, Fyerli S. Yanata, S3 Truth




    'If you are looking for a book to read, I really recommend this book. I love it not really because of the plot but because of the life lessons I learned from it.'

    Dreams Replicate the Future, Ryan Marcus Kusumodjojo, S3 Truth




    'After reading the book, I realised that like Santiago, I want to find my purpose in life, to know more of who I am'I can pursue this step-by-step by starting to love myself more, to be curious about the things around me, and to learn how to control my emotions, and ultimately, to do what I want to do.'

    Serendipity, Raisis Saputra, S3 Truth




    I think our Personal Legends can change from time to time. We go through changes and much of what we are today are not what we expected of ourselves in the past'The book mentions of a 'mysterious force' that convinces us that it will be impossible to fulfill our goals. This force was said to be negative but it's the one training us and driving our spirit (not to give up).

    Dauntless Decisions, Sally Saputra, S3 Truth


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