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Written By · 14 August 2023 · 1 min read       Copy Article URL

60+ Top Global Universities Join BBS Virtual EDU FAIR

  • By: Kannan, JC1 Teamwork and Lu Yanxin, JC1 Logic


    "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare it for today." - Malcolm X


    To say that education is important is an understatement. Selecting a suitable major in University after graduating from  High School can be a tough job, as the type of major or course students choose determines their future job opportunities and possible limitations. Students tend to seek advice and second opinions from the experts.


    To aid the Upper Secondary and the Junior College students on their university placements, every year, an Educational Fair is conducted by the Bina Bangsa School where representatives from the prestigious universities from all around the globe are given the opportunity to promote their respective universities through onsite or online webinars.



    (Source: Bina Bangsa School - Bandung's Facebook page)


    This year's EDU FAIR was held on the 27th of September 2022, conducted online.  It was participated in by more than 60 top and reputable universities from Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. It was attended by all the Secondary 3 to Junior College 2 students from the 6 BBS campuses across Indonesia.


    One of the highlights of this year's EDU FAIR was the Live Consultation sessions conducted by the university representatives via the online platform Zoom. It has given the students a chance to directly interact with the different university representatives. 


    Webinars and consultations like these allow students to get a head start on their choices of major. Students can clarify admission requirements, get information on scholarships, application process, accommodation, and much more. University representatives can also help students understand more about their course selection in their target universities.


    BBS Bandung's University and Career Counsellor, Mr. Melvin A. Nifas, was this year's Over-all Chairperson. He has worked with the University Counsellors from the other BBS campuses.


    Here are the universities that attended the BBS EDU FAIR 2022:





    (Source: Bina Bangsa School - Bandung's FB page)



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