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Written By · 14 August 2023 · 4 min read       Copy Article URL

Face-to-face learning is more efficient than online learning. Discuss this statement based on your view as a student.

  • By: Farrell Widjanarko, Junior College 2 Grace


    Students have been learning face-to-face in school until the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world two years ago, where students were forced to experience a new set-up: ONLINE LEARNING. As time passed by and after getting used to the new system, some students have believed that online learning is more efficient than offline learning since they can easily gain access to study materials even if they are at home, and that they can even listen to and learn from their teachers through different online means wherever they may be. However, I firmly believe that the face-to-face set-up will help students more to acquire better development and skills because the teachers can easily monitor the students' responses and behavior and identify their immediate needs accordingly and address these immediately.


    The Junior College 2 students of BBS Bandung with Mr. Pitchai (Math Teacher), Ms. Leslie (EGP Teacher), and Ms. Ferly (Sec 1 Math Teacher) right after their onsite Cambridge English General Paper test on October 6, 2022


    In this essay, the phrase 'face-to-face learning' refers to the traditional way of learning where students interact with their teachers and peers in physical classrooms. The phrase 'more efficient' emphasizes that offline learning has a greater and better impact on students rather than online learning. Lastly, 'online learning' refers to having classes with the teachers through the internet. I will be stating how online learning varies from offline learning through the students' education, how shifting to online learning due to COVID-19 greatly impacts quality of learning, and how advanced technology will benefit online learning. I will also be stating how online learning becomes a disadvantage to students' socio and cognitive development.


    Secondary 3 English Class conducted in Zoom, (Term 1 Week 1)


    Students are required to have some equipment or learning for them to be able to attend online lessons such as a microphone, speaker, gadgets such as computers or iPads, and of course, internet connection. Without these, students will not be able to learn efficiently. On the contrary, in face-to-face learning, students and teachers do not necessarily need these tools to learn and on the part of the teachers, to teach. In a face-to-face set-up, teachers can monitor the students and address them if they have any difficulties. According to UNICEF, two-thirds of the world's school-age children do not have internet access at home. Thus, online learning set-up is not applicable to all. This shows that offline learning gives more opportunities to students who do not have the access to the internet and that they benefit more from physical and direct interactions with their teachers.


    On the contrary, in online learning, students are not able to conduct any experiments or practical activities at home and can only watch on screen their teachers who demonstrate the experiments. However, in offline learning, students are able to conduct experiments with the guidance of the teachers and the equipment or tools provided by the school. Practical learning is crucial for subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education, and more. According to, practical lessons deepen the students' understanding of the lessons since they can experience it for themselves. This concludes that offline learning is more efficient than online learning.


    Chemistry class under Ms. Emmy (during a laboratory activity), pre-pandemic




    During online learning, teachers will not be able to know whether or not the students are cheating during exams. In Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), over 350 students were caught cheating in the first semester in April-May 2021 and over 800 students in the second semester. They were caught cheating due to too many movements when they were told not to and having group discussions with their friends. They were punished by paying a fine of Rs1000 and to retake a different exam. This shows that students sometimes would rely on cheating instead of learning or preparing for the exams. Thus, the efficiency of online learning is questionable.


    Although, online learning has more flexibilities than offline learning, since it provides students the opportunity to learn wherever they are, get access to any materials needed. According to, some students prefer having online lessons since they feel more comfortable at home. Having online lessons will help students have better time management since they do not have to drive or walk to school with the chances of being late.


    Furthermore, others will express that online learning also gives students the perfect opportunity to attend school even outside their country. They can join classes in the US even if they are in Indonesia for example. Apps like Zoom and Google Meet have allowed students to easily attend their lectures without having to leave the safety of their homes. Hence, online classes provide the distinct advantage of location flexibility.


    In offline learning, students get the chance to learn with their friends, conduct group activities, and perform tasks together, while developing their social skills and relationships with peers.


    Though online learning has far more flexibilities than offline learning, there are still so many students who are not used to online learning and there are many who have no access to it. Also, the physical presence of teachers is more effective than when they are just seen on screen. In the near future, no matter how advanced technology is and online learning can be, offline learning will always have a better impact in terms of student holistic development.


    Group Activity, JC 2 class


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