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Written By · 28 July 2022 · 3 min read       Copy Article URL

Introducing Bina Bangsa School Hybrid Learning System

  • Since July 2021, Bina Bangsa School has resumed part of offline class activities under the Hybrid Learning arrangement. In accordance with the guidelines from Indonesia’s Ministry of Education, the Hybrid Learning system will see an even distribution between offline learning at BBS school campuses, and online learning done through the BBS student portal. There will be only selected grades taking part in the Hybrid Learning arrangement in the first phase of this newly implemented learning system.

    Students from the following grades are taking part in the Hybrid Learning:

    • Preschool Grades K1 and K2 (a maximum of 5 students per group).
    • Primary School Grades P5 and P6 (maximum of 15 students per level). 
    • Secondary School Grade Sec 4 (maximum of 15 students per level). 
    • Junior College Grade JC2 (maximum of 15 students per level). 

    For the rest of the students whose grade not mentioned above will continue in a 100% home-based learning arrangement until further notice for this academic year. 

    Students taking part in the Hybrid Learning system will be divided into two groups, namely Group A and B. Each group will be rostered to attend offline classes in alternate weeks. The group that is not rostered for offline classes will continue to learn the same materials in the BBS Student Learning portal, from their own respective homes. 

    If you are scheduled to attend a class at school, be sure to follow the updated registration measure before arriving at the school gate. 

    • Log in to your BBS Student Portal. Complete the mandatory self check-in 24 hours before school hours starts. 
    • Record your own temperature before departing for school. Only those with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius and below will be allowed to enter the school compound.
    • Submit your body temperature reading to the BBS Student Portal. Once the form is submitted, you will receive a QR code with a specific date of entry. 
    • Upon arrival at the school gate, you will be required to show the QR code to the security staff on-duty. Only those with the QR code will be allowed entry to school.
    • During the Hybrid Learning arrangement, offline classes will be restricted between 7:00 AM to 10:30 AM daily. Students will resume a home-based online learning from 12:30 PM onwards. A 30-minutes break will be provided during the offline school hours. 

    In Campus Safety Precautions

    Students returning to offline classes can be rest assured that BBS is taking all precautionary measures possible to protect its community from the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. Classrooms, laboratories, and playgrounds will be disinfected daily to ensure the highest standards of hygiene. Meanwhile, all classes will also be equipped with either exhaust fans or air purifiers or a good ventilation system to ensure a healthy air circulation throughout the learning process. Hand wash stations will also be provided in selected locations. Medical face masks, social distance of 1.5 metres, and limited elevator capacity are also mandatory to be followed by everyone in the school compounds.

    New Pick-Up and Drop-Off Regulation

    School gates will be open for pick-up and drop-off as per normal. However, during the process only the student is allowed to leave the vehicle and enter the school compound. Parents or drivers must remain in the vehicles. They are also not allowed to wait inside the school compound. For safety reasons, an exception applies for preschool students where one parent or guardian will be allowed to leave the vehicle to pick-up or drop-off the student to their respective classes.

    Bina Bangsa School is also delighted to inform that all our teachers and staff members are vaccinated against COVID-19. Parents of the students who are involved in the hybrid learning system will receive a special briefing from their respective school principal. For more details about the hybrid learning system, you can watch this video explaining the system or reach out to your school’s principal for further enquiries.




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