Written By · 14 August 2023 · 2 min read       Copy Article URL

BBS Bandung Holds Business Expo 22

  • By: Isaura Brata and Michelle Gunawan, JC 1 Teamwork


    Junior College 1 Business Students with Ms Hannie 


    Starting from the 26th of October 2022, the Business students from Secondary 3 to Junior College 1 participated in an event where they sold goods from their businesses. The event was a first-hand learning experience for the business students as they were required to have teamwork, apply what they've learnt, and have good customer service just like real businesses. 


    Eugenia and Claire preparing freshly fried chicken


    The Secondary 3 students held a booth for a cafe called 'La Celine'. They sold french-themed food such as Cake Au Citron & Macarons and drinks, Lychee tea, and their iconic Cr'me Br'l'e Coffee. The profits raised will be going for their future business trip.


    Chicken Delights Team


    Afterwards, the Junior College 1 business students started selling. The combined class was distributed into 3 groups; Chicken Delight, Nyan Cafe, and Cream Pie. As its name suggests, Chicken Delight focused on selling main dishes, with chicken as its specialty. They also had combos of rice + chicken and fries + chicken, making their group the consumer's first choice during lunch hours.


    Nya~ Cafe Team


    Nyan Cafe instead thrived during dismissal. Their cafe sold multi-flavored pudding, student-selected chips, and, their best-seller, matcha latte. Cream Pie also focused on desserts, selling an enticing combo of homemade sea-salt brownies and ice cream. The profits they gained throughout the 2 days be donated to their class's fundraiser.


    Matcha latte prepared live by Reiner and Winston 


    'I think that the business expo is a great experience because it teaches me a lot of new knowledge such as selling, making our own foods, and managing the booth. I think the duration of the business expo can be longer so that we can adapt more marketing strategies. Overall I am very satisfied with this event.' Winston of JC1 Logic shared


    Cream Pie Team


    "I think the business expo was very fun. I was fortunate enough to be there selling some foods not only to the students in BBS but also parents and teachers. It taught me a lot of things. Such as teamwork we must coordinate with our group members to succeed in our business. Overall it was a great success and a great thing for us all to learn" Kevin of JC1 Logic shared as well


    Unfortunately, the secondary 4 class couldn't join as they were quarantined. However, it was a valuable learning experience for everyone involved. 


    "I feel satisfied to see students doing business at school. I like how they put in extra effort to make foods and beverages on their own." Mr. Rio, their economics teacher confessed. "It's not about the amount of profit they got but it's the practical experience that matters. I wish all of them could be great businessmen/women in the future."



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