Written By · 14 August 2023 · 1 min read       Copy Article URL

BBS Bandung Hosts Sports Olympics 22

  • By: Lu Yanxin, Junior College 1 Logic 


    17 October 2022 - Bina Bangsa School Bandung hosted its first offline Inter-House Sports Olympics after 2 academic years. The contested sports this year included futsal, basketball, dodgeball, and badminton. The event was a week-long and participated in by all students.


    On Monday, the futsal competition was held after school, with the Red House winning against the Yellow House in the finals. Blue House finished third and Green House last.'


    On Wednesday, the basketball competition was held: The Red Rhinos finished first place, the Green Panthers placed second, and the Yellow Eagles and the Blue Dolphins placed third and fourth respectively.'


    Following the basketball event, the dodgeball competition was held. Green won against Yellow in 6 sets and Red won against Blue. The finals were held the following week where Red has once again placed first winning over Green. Blue won against Yellow, securing third place.


    Lastly, the 3 vs 3 badminton match was held on the following Friday. Blue and Red went against each other in the first round and Yellow and Green in the next. Red and Green won their respective matches. In the end, here were the rankings: Red won first, Green in second, Blue in third, and yellow in fourth.


    Congrats to the Red Rhinos for being the overall winner!






    Photo Credits: Michelle JC1 Teamwork, Isaura JC1 Teamwork, Christopher Sec 4 Faith



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