Written By · 14 August 2023 · 1 min read       Copy Article URL

BBS Bandung Sends Delegation to HMCA '23, South Korea

  • Bina Bangsa School Bandung joined the Harvard Model Congress Asia 2023, held in EWHA WOWANS University, Seoul, South Korea, from 7-9 of January 2023.


    The BBS Bandung delegation was composed of 8 students (from Secondary 2 to Junior College 1), accompanied by their Faculty Advisor, Ms. Leslie D. Irang, the Head of the English Language, Literature, and Humanities Department of BBS Bandung.


    BBS Bandung Delegation at EWHA Womans University, Seoul, South Korea


    BBS Bandung Delegation at EWHA Womans University, Seoul, South Korea


    The 3-day conference has given the student delegates the chance to take and experience government roles and to propose solutions to the most pressing issues faced by the present world.


    The student delegates have been part of the following Councils:


    1. National Security Council (Sam Francis Lokanata & Kenji Sukilim)


    2. Senate Health Education, Labor, and Pension (Aditya Dharmendra Barki)


    3. UN Human Rights Council (Teja Srinivasan)


    4. UN Security Council (Louise Jusuf)


    5. World Health Organization (Hillary Hardjanto & Victoria Aiko Saputra)


    5. House Select on Climate Change (Dea Tjahyadi)


    They also joined the Global Sustainability Summit where each Council had the chance to propose bills and resolutions on selected Sustainable Development Goals. It was in the said summit that one of the BBS Bandung delegates (Aditya Dharmendra Barki) had the chance to share his views on the need to prioritise addressing the SDG Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation for All.


    Aditya Dharmendra Barki, sharing his views on the need to prioritise SDG Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation for All.


    Source: http://bappeda.jogjaprov.go.id/dataku/sdgs/detail/6-akses-air-bersih-dan-sanitasi


    Source: https://www.waterforpeople.org/sdg6/




    Apart from the 3-day conference, the students also had cultural and historical immersions by visiting the Bukchon Hanok Village, a home to hundreds of traditional houses, called 'hanok' that date back to the Joseon dynasty.


    The BBS Bandung visiting Bukchon Hanok Village


    The team also had the chance to visit the Changdeokgung Palace which was constructed in 1405 and served as the main palace of the Joseon dynasty for about 270 years.


    The BBS Bandung visiting Changdeokgung Palace


    Through activities and programmes like the HMCA, the school hopes to develop more leaders and responsible citizens of the world.


    Congratulations to the whole BBS Bandung delegation!





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