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Written By · 14 August 2023 · 2 min read       Copy Article URL


  • By: Aditya Dharmawerndra Barki, Secondary 2


    JamesDeMers (n.d.). Bridge Garden [photograph]. Sources from:


    The tender breeze caressed my dark and silky hair as I witnessed the vermillion, periwinkle flower petals fluttering off and on from the hefty canopies of the gusty trees from up a hill. They frolicked vigorously through the peaceful air, colouring the clear skies with a stain of crimson, before abruptly vanishing into the high grass.


    Releasing a breath of relief, I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with tranquillity before resuming my jaunt on the rigid, concrete path that was lit up with fragments of sunlight that had been filtered through the trees. A swift yet gentle gale rushed in, massaging my skin and floating off eloquently into the olive thickets.


    A stream whispered below as I sauntered upon a dilapidated wooden bridge. Rickety, old planks, creaked as I placed my weight on each foot, Invaded by moss and mould that crept ever so slightly up to their whereabouts now.


    Covered in the aforementioned mosses were the many rocks and boulders that decorated the stream below. Beneath me prevailed the fish, crabs, and crayfish that fought relentlessly for their survival.


    Some were riding the waves with determination, trying their best to avoid getting tossed and tumbled in the rocks and turbulent waters or ending up in the clutches of one of their so-called 'friends'. All of this, occurring just beneath my feet, was hushed by the rapid susurration of the folds of the subtle waves.


    A little brown frog perched proudly on the river bank as its almost deafening croaks echoed in the air. Eventually, it leaped back into the water, leaving nothing behind but a murky dust cloud just under the reflective surface.


    The bird's stopped chirping. Leaves were picked up and tossed around as the trees blew in the opposite direction. Many organisms fled from my peripheral vision, disappearing to who knows where.


    Unbeknownst to me, a storm cloud drifted across the sky and loomed over the park before releasing its first few droplets.


    Mildly startled, I felt the frigid, strike of water, bombarding me from heavenward. I stared up into what was once the cerulean sky in anticipation. Drip, drop, the cold water flicked off my face and ran down my neck.


    I dashed back to where I could seek shelter from the rain, my gait getting faster and faster at every drop but my attempts were futile. In an inevitable trudge, completely soaked, and dismayed, my ears and vision were occasionally engulfed by sudden flashes of light followed by the cacophonous rumble of thunder.



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