Primary Level Commences Spirit Week with Students, Teachers Wearing Pyjamas
Do you remember those times when you had sleepovers with your childhood friends wearing pyjamas? These are some of the most colourful, vibrant and memorable moments during our childhood.
The first day of the Spirit Week took both the students and the teachers back to those cherished childhood memories when everything was just fun and lighthearted.
On 25 September 2023, the students and teachers in the primary level came to school wearing their colourful and quirky pyjamas with big smiles on their faces. This pyjama-themed school day has evoked a strong sense of innocence, carefreeness and joyfulness in everyone. It has offered a refreshing break from wearing the school uniform and allowed students to experience comfort and coziness while learning.
The Spirit Week is a special week where the school encourages everyone to dress up in line with the celebration of the Children's Day. This is meant to bring a spark of joy and creativity to the learners and the teachers.
For this academic year, the Children's Day is celebrated on 29 September 2023. The said celebration marks the end of Term 1 and is a perfect way to warm everyone up for the one-week term break.