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A Reflective Journal: ON LIFE AND DEATH

By: Ms. Leslie D. Irang





26 August 2022


Today, two sad news came in, the passing of a high school classmate and that of a former colleague's mom. A couple of days ago, a friend's adoptive mom, a former boss' mom, a former student's dad, and a friend's uncle passed away; a month ago, my auntie, then a former student, then a friend's dad, a former colleague's husband; barely a year ago, a cousin...


In the past two years, former students, former colleagues, a great boss, and acquaintances bid their final goodbyes. All were those of sad and painful stories, expressed in explosive and silent tears, painted on blank stares...kept in closed caskets and unique gray urns, adorned with grieving flowers and mourning candles.


All these have made me think on how short life could be and on how inevitable the coming of the cunning death is. 


I feel that my real life is only starting now and my days, realistically speaking, are already numbered. I am 46, and I want to reach 80 years, 90 or even a hundred but certainly, nothing is certain. All I can do now is 'live' the present time as this moment, THE NOW, is the only real time, as many philosophers and writers have repeatedly sung.


If you are looking at a flower, continue looking and appreciating its beauty, its essence, as it may never bloom as beautiful as it is again. If you are in love, express it, let someone know it. Forgive before it is too late.


Each morning I wake up, I thank God for the gift of life. Each night, I pray for another chance.


The world stays and will stay for more centuries or more millennia. WE DON'T. WE WON'T.


Breathe in. Breathe out. 


Life goes on until we are greeted by the inevitable force leaving us with no choice but to succumb.


Breathe in. Breathe out... 


Love and laugh...


Breathe in. Breathe out...


...until it beats no more'



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