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Descriptive Story: Sunset at the Beach (by: Isaura Brata, JC1 Teamwork)

I felt the fine-grained golden sand ' powdery and silky, soft yet firm ' which yielded and then slipped past my skin as I lay my calloused feet upon it. It sent a sensual thrill from the soles of my feet up to my spine and into my soul as I listened to the whimsical water, crashing and wetting the warm rocks. 


The sun bled in the distance, colouring the sky with a deep shade of red as it coalesced into the carnal glare of the ocean horizon. The sky was a glorious conflagration, blazing with fabulous shades of orange. 


The last gasp of beauty before the death of the day,  I sighed contently, the dying sun reflecting in my indigo orbs. 


I closed my eyes, enjoying the soft breeze which tickled my face. The brilliancy of colours hued with rich and varied dyes stole away my breath like how the waves diminished from the coastlines as the vibrant symphony slowly faded to a sapphire colour. I failed to ignore the mellow echo of the children's laughter from the distance and the chirping of birds by the palm trees. 


With birds soaring across the delphinium-tinted sky singing their own melodies, the sand and sighs of the reflecting sea welcomed me into its warm embrace. Slowly, the sun disappeared completely, tucking itself in a cloak of blue as night fell, bringing the promise of a new dawn. 


It's a nice life, isn't it? - I mumbled drowsily, laying down on the smooth surface. I reached for my flask full of booze, the taste bitter yet refreshing to my tongue as the clear stream of liquid dreams lulled me gently. Closing my eyes, all thoughts in my head departed before I drowned into a deep slumber. 





Image credit: @somosimosii on



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