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Narrative: The Teeth, The Tooth, and the Dentures

By: Chrysander Hayden, Secondary 3 Peace


A funny thing happened to me today, if it had not been obvious enough, I have been having a terrible toothache these past few weeks! The pain was horrendous! Every time I would clamp down on my teeth, a searing pain from my teeth and a kind of 'nute" sound would go off in my head! I was supposed to be visiting my dentist for an appointment, but guess what? He canceled at the last minute!


The nitwit had a 'family emergency'.


Unbelievable! Unimaginable! I would say.


Alas, I just could not bear this pain anymore! So I hatched a perfectly ingenious plan!


The plan involved me tying my irritating tooth onto an doorknob of my open door and with a thin strand of thread, I would slam the door with such force that this infuriating tooth would come flying off!


Sadly, this was not the case. As not only was my tooth being pulled by the force of the closing door, but my entire head with it! I was pulled towards the door with such force, it was like being ejected from a plane! My poor head collided with the hard wooden surface with a 'Bang!', giving me this awful purple-blue egg-shaped bruise on my forehead!


I had been terribly defeated, but I had not given up yet!


My next plan was going to be the greatest and the most brilliant than the last one! The plan involved tying my tooth, not to my door knob but to my closet which of course would fall out of my window and bring this horrid tooth with it!


'Eureka!' I thought, complementing my obvious genius.


Without any hesitation I started to set up my clever plan!


First, I positioned my closet to the edge of the window, just enough for it to not fall. I tied my tooth to one of the legs of the closet and then I would push my closet off the window!


'Absolutely nothing would go wrong!' I spoke to myself as I was about to push my closet off, with a slight nudge, down went my closet! Tumbling down towards the cold, hard concrete!


I could feel the sensation of my tooth being pulled by the closet's weight, the increasing tug I felt as the closet reached closer and closer to the concrete was an incredibly euphoric sensation! More and more the force of the tug increased, now not only bringing my tooth, but my whole body!


I was brought out of the closet with the force of a bull, my whole body already outside of my apartment alongside my closet!


Both the wretched closet and I were falling towards the concrete pathway! My whole body collided into the closet that helped break my fall and pieces of old wood flew everywhere!


After regaining consciousness, I licked my teeth only to find one tooth missing! I jumped with joy and cheered for my victory! But it all came crashing down and I started to feel a familiar sting on my jaw as I closed my jaw, as well as the familiar 'nute' sound, at that moment I came to a horrible realization, I pulled the wrong tooth!




Image Credit: Sweet Tooth by Ryno Worm Tattoos


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