Our Programme


Why is Bina Bangsa Preschool the best for your child?

The BBS Preschool provides an environment that nurtures life-long learners. Our Preschool is aligned to the changing world that is current as well embrace up-to-date methodology that is effective. Our approach is supported by research, discussion amongst Early Childhood Educators and is found to be be fitting and beneficial to young children.

Through these approaches, our children are able to acquire important values and skills to build paths that enable them to learn anywhere and everywhere.The Bina Bangsa Preschool offers an integrated four-year programme for children from the ages of 2 to 6 years. The programme provides an engaging and fun learning environment focussed on nurturing the physical, social-emotional and intellectual capacity of the child through activities that promote positive self-esteem, interactive learning, curiosity and creativity. We do not just prepare them for school, we prepare them to be life-long learners.

Programme Overview
BBS Preschool Philosophy

BBS Preschool philosophy is based on the belief that young children learn best through interactive play activities. Therefore, learning is made as fun as possible while retaining the rigorous cross-disciplinary academic framework provided by the Singapore curriculum. BBS Pre-school combines the best of both worlds to make sure that preschoolers attain all the vital competencies necessary for their social, emotional and intellectual development, and at the same time have lots of fun in their learning journey.

In summary, BBS preschool believes that:

Every child is important.

Every child is different.

Every child needs to feel safe.

Every child wants to learn.

Every child needs to develop positive self-esteem.

Every child`s welfare and needs are paramount.

Every child needs to have a sense of success

Preschool Values

I am honest in what I do and say at all times

I care for my teachers, friends and community

I try my best at all times

I am enthusiastic while doing activities

I cooperate with friends

I encourage my friends to succeed.

Curriculum Framework

The Bina Bangsa Preschool Curriculum encompasses the areas stipulated in both the Singapore Kindergarten Curriculum Framework (KCF) and the United Kingdom’s Early Years Foundation Years (EYFS).

Bina Bangsa Preschool offers an integrated English-Mandarin bilingual four-year programme for children from the ages of 2 to 6 years.

All core curriculum classes are primarily taught in English. The Mandarin language is introduced in incremental stages through nursery to kindergarten. It is the belief, based on academic research findings, that children pick up on language skills better if they are exposed to the language at a young age. Our concept of nurturing lifelong learners in young children derive from the basic beliefs and principles of the i-LEARN philosophy.

The letter ‘i’ denotes the humble child and ‘LEARN’ denotes young children]s curiosity and desire to learn.


  • M- Multiple Intelligences
  • where children are encouraged in their growth and development in the areas of the different skills such as interpersonal; intrapersonal; linguistic ability; logical-mathematical skills; being a naturalist and appreciate the language of music.
  • A- Authentic Learning
  • The environment at BBS acts as a platform to the real and natural world for children to engage in role-playing and problem solving activities.
  • P- Project Based Learning
  • is BBS method of teaching the core curriculum where children gain the skills and knowledge that provides them with a broad and deep learning through inquiring, reviewing and reflecting through the investigation and interaction in the real world.
  • S- Seeds’ to Sow
  • refers to BBS teachers plant the seed of knowledge while nurturing the child’s emotional and social and spiritual aspect of growth and development.
  • I-Integration
  • It is the smooth the seamless academic transition and progression from preschool to primary education at BBS.
  • T- Teach
  • This is an area where teachers as a team work in the planning, designing and facilitation of age and developmentally appropriate learning experiences for BBS pre-schoolers

Transdiciplinary Themes

The overall academic framework is guided by four transdisciplinary themes of significance to the young learner both in the classroom and around the world.

  • My Self
  • Inquiry into the nature of one self in relation to My School and My Self
  • Myself and My Family
  • Understanding of human relationships including family structure
  • The Natural World
  • Inquiry into the natural world with introduction to Animals, Plants and others.
  • The World Around us
  • Inquiry into the interconnectedness of The Solar System, The Community, Transportation, Languages and The Place we live in.

Our Teachers

Teachers at Bina Bangsa Preschool possess both the aptitude and attitude when it comes to developing young children. They are qualified and/or experienced early childhood professionals who minimally hold Diploma degree.

All our teachers undergo a structured curriculum and operations training framework which covers comprehensive curriculum and operations modules that will help them to embrace Bina Bangsa Preschool approaches; deliver lessons optimally and manage the preschool with operational excellence. In addition, the training helps them to be kept abreast of the latest trends and developments in childhood education and maximize their professional competency and relevance.

Levels and School Hours

Bina Bangsa Preschool caters to children ages between 18 months and 6 years. The class structures are as follows:

Toddlers 18 months to 24 months
(1 hour class)

Pre-Nursery 24 months to 36 months
(2 hours class)

Nursery 3 to 4 years old
(3 hours class)

Kindergarten 1 4 to 5 years old
(3.5 hours class)

Kindergarten 2 5 to 6 years old
(4.5 hours class)

Primary School

Our Primary school programme is based on the Cambridge Primary Curriculum.

This programme is typically for children who are aged 5 to 11years. It is a world-class curriculum to develop learner skills and understanding in English, Mathematics and Science. It enables teachers to assess children's learning as they progress through the course with Cambridge Progressive Tests and at the end of the course, the Cambridge Checkpoint and the Primary School Leaving Examination.

Programme Overview
Main Subjects

The main subjects include English, Mathematics, Science Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. These subjects are evaulated through forrmative as well as summative examinations. The Foundation Course or Primary Curriculum also includes subjects that are graded. Sujects that are graded include Physical Educatio, Art and Craft, Computer Science, Faith Builder and Character First, PPKn, Music, Life Skills and Global Perspective or Project Work.

Placement Test

Students enrolling into BBS are required to sit for appropriate Placement Tests that evaluates their readiness for the appropriate levels.

Tests & Exams

As part of Mastery Learning, periodical tests and assessments are part and parcel of learning and understanding of the concepts taught and acquired.

Values Education

At BBS, we ensure that our students attain the necessary cultural and disciline framework to develop into responsible, independent and discerning adults who would be an asset to society and their community.

Leadership Education

In addition, their learning journey offers them the rigour, opportunities and the skills to effect change as global citizens who are critical thinkers, persons of integrity and leaders of the future.

BBS is also very mindful of our students needs as we progress. We are boosting our Project Work component to be in the form of Global Perspectives, Design for Thinking and working with the Sustainable Development Goals in the Foundation Stage. When students reach the ages of 9 and above, they are guided through weekly lessons to understand and acquire skills to work on problem solving and to think out of the box.


Students are also exposed to Life-skills that are necessary and useful. This gives another perspective to value add to their reportaoire of opportunities to enjoy and expolre how they could serve their community and the world at large.

Faith Builder

PRAY – Remind yourself that this morning marks another day to enjoy and glorify God. Come to His presence and offer your thanksgivings. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in reading His Word.

READ – Read the Bible passage.

REFLECT – Listen to the devotion, and make connection with the passage/verse that you read and what you did or didn’t do.

OBEY – Respond to God in prayer, asking Him change your heart and change your life based on the reflection of His Word today.

Sustainable Developmental Goals

The SDGs are 17 goals defined by the United Nations to tackle the world’s biggest problems by 2030.

We teach our students SDGs at a very young age to ensure all students acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to promote sustainable development.

At BBS, studying the goals is part of a broader, international approach to learning. We teach them to be part of the solutions.

Secondary School

Secondary education normally starts at the age of eleven years and ends with students taking the internationally recognised Cambridge IGCSE Examinations.

Formed of two periods - the first period of three years known as Lower Secondary from ages eleven to thirteen and the second period of two years known as the Upper Secondary, from ages fourteen to fifteen, students will study a broad range of subjects such as Mathematics, General Science, English, Music, etc. When they reach the Upper Secondary, they begin preparing for the IGCSE.

Programme Overview
Lower Secondary Academic Subjects

English Language


Chinese Language


Bahasa Indonesia

Computer Studies


Faith Builder/Character Building

Humanities / Project Work

Physical Education



Life Skills


Upper Secondary Academic Subjects

English Language

Chinese Language

Bahasa Indonesia


A Maths

Computer Science






Business Studies

Art (Optional)

Main Subjects

The Secondary School is following Singaporean & Cambridge Curriculum

Tests & Exams

As part of Mastery Learning, periodical tests and assessments are part and parcel of learning and understanding of the concepts taught and acquired.

The secondary school offers a comprehensive programme that is aimed at preparing our students to take the Cambridge IGCSE and A levels.

Comprising classes from Secondary 1 to 4 and Junior College 1 and 2, our academic programme is designed to give our students the best possible chance to excel in the Cambridge examinations, as evidenced by our stellar track-record.

Our teachers undergo several courses, both external and in-house, to hone their skills and capabilities in order to enhance our students’ learning experiences.

The curriculum features a good balance between teaching and assessment and is planned to allow students to master the relevant content, apply the knowledge skilfully and effectively, and be equipped with the right examination skills.

We place strong emphasis on non-academic aspects of our programme which focus on Character Building, Talent Development and Leadership. There is also great importance given to the Love of Country and Community Service. These aspects of the school curriculum will help to make our students all-rounded, holistic individuals ready to contribute to society.

Smart School

Since 2017, BBS has decided to adopt technology in the teaching and learning process (e-learning) to provide our students with ample opportunities to succeed and be prepared for the information Age

The goals of e-Learning are:
Engage students in their learning
Enhance the students’ learning experience
Expand the learning opportunities

BBS has adopted the iPad as the main Learning Device. Students are required to bring their learning device to school and use it when required in a lesson.

School Support

We care for all our students, especially those who are academically weak by providing assistance so that we can assure their success.
This is done by holding

  • Remedial Classes
  • Pull-Out Classes
  • Thus, students are able to overcome their weaknesses and maximize their potential.

    Junior College

    Junior College is typically for learners aged 16 to 17 years who need advanced study to prepare for university and higher education.

    Sudent study the Cambridge International AS & A Level, accepted as an entry qualification by universities in the UK, across the European Union, North America, and elsewhere around the world. AS & A Level exams are usualy taken after 13 years of education and are based on approximately 360 hours of guided learning per subject, normally over a two year period. Our students typically take three subjects at A level, although occasionally exceptional students take four or five.

    Programme Overview
    Main Subjects

    English General Paper OR Global Perspective & Research



    Physics or Accounting

    Biology or Economics or Computer Science

    Chemistry or Business

    Faith Builder




    Physical Education

    Life skills

    Placement Test

    Students enrolling into BBS are required to sit for appropriate Placement Tests that evaluates their readiness for the appropriate levels.

    Tests & Exams

    As part of Mastery Learning, periodical tests and assessments are part and parcel of learning and understanding of the concepts taught and acquired.

    Junior College Bridging Program

    Students in this programme will bypass the IGCSE and move on directly to Junior College

    • For those students who have graduate from local SMP 3 and wishing to join the BBS Junior College Programme,
    • Upon Successful completion of the bridging programe, students are automatically admitted into the 2-year Junior College Programme.
    University Placement Programme

    BBS University Placement Programme assists students to select the school right for them and secure their admission. It will greatly shorten and simplify the application process.

    Counseling Service

    Our school value is not just about assignment, score, and exam. To wandering, feel, touch, hear, see, and do are essential process to have a full memorable and meaningful learning progress. Strong leadership, respectful, responsible, and confident are our values for their holistic growth. To achieve our values and belief, Bina Bangsa serves with safe, confidential, and non-judgmental helpful staffs and tools to ensure you get the most out of your time with us.

    Areas of support includes: identify needs from students (language and learning) on a case-by-case basis using multiple sources of information and interview and observation, learning support plan, group or individual guidance counselling, seminar and workshop for parents and students, information center for parenting tips, placement, and spiritual guidance counselling.



    Bina Bangsa School has six campuses , which are located in the prime areas in Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, Semarang and Balikpapan.

    place Preschool & Primary School Jl. Budi Kav 87, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat ,11480 Secondary & Junior College Jl. Arjuna Sel. No.87, RT.4/RW.4, Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Kb. Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11530
    phone +62215328833
    stay_current_portrait +62215328833

    place Jl. Wallet Elok 8 Blok R-8 No.1 Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara , 14460
    phone +62215880045
    stay_current_portrait +628111836885

    place Jl. Sentra Dago Pakar Raya Blok F-1 Resor Dago Pakar Raya Bandung , West Java , 40191
    phone +62 22 253 1100
    stay_current_portrait +628128901100

    place Jl. Jangli Boulevard RT 05/06 Ngesrep, Banyumanik, Semarang, Central Java, 50261
    phone +62248502992
    stay_current_portrait +62248502992

    place Jl. Ahmad Yani Utara Riverside Blok AA No.1 Malang, East Java, 65125
    phone +623412996777
    stay_current_portrait +623412996777

    place SOHO B-C , Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.47 Kompleks Balikpapan Superblock Balikpapan, East Kalimantan , 76114
    phone +625428531885
    stay_current_portrait +625428531885



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