  • Researchers: Nicholas Widjaya, Amanda Constance Rahardjo, Jovanna Feodora Kristanto and Shawn Jensen
  • Level/Campus: Primary 5 - Semarang
  • Abstract: Paper, as we all know, is a vital object in our lives. Paper is made of pulp from trees, but due to acute need of paper and other tree-made objects millions of trees had to be cut down. Trees, which we need to combat the greenhouse gases, provide oxygen, preserve soil, etc. But trees aren’t the only potential crop that can be used to make paper. Lemon Grass is well known as a source of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The plant is extensively use in pharmacological activities due to its antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. However, we believe that it could also be a good material for papers as it is fibrous.
  • Project Coach: Ms Analou R. Sismar