  • Researchers: Allana Adzani Prakarsa, Kendall Ann Thomas, Ratu Taqiya Kamaratih, Sellena Shahia Siswandi
  • Category: Primary 6 - (Bandung Campus)
  • Abstract: Composting is natures way of recycling. It is one of the most powerful actions we can take to reduce our trash, address climate change, and build healthy soil. By turning our food scraps and yard trim into compost, we can transform our waste streams into a beneficial, value- added soil amendment and use it to protect the environment and create resilient communities. Microorganisms feed on the materials added to the compost pile during the composting process.They use carbon and nitrogen to grow and reproduce, water to digest materials and oxygen need to breathe. You can compost at home using food scraps from your kitchen and dried leaves and woody materials from your yard!
  • Project Coach: Ms Rena Espejo-Cueto