Bacteria are a type of microorganisms that can be good or bad and can be found everywhere. Harmful bacteria can make us sick. It cannot be seen through naked eyes but can be seen through a microscope. You can find bacteria on items/surfaces we touch often such as remote control, handphone, cutting board and outdoor table. That is why we need to clean these common surfaces regularly in order to prevent spreading. For my project, I selected 3 common surfaces and used a cotton bud stick to swab on these surfaces to collect bacteria samples. With the cotton bud stick, I applied it on the agar in the clear container, leaving it alone for up to 7 days. From there, I compared which item/surface has the most bacteria growth on its surface and how many days it took the bacteria to grow.

  • Researcher: Hayden Tjahjadi
  • Category: A (P3) - Science and Engineering
  • School: BBS Primary - Pantai Indah Kapuk
  • Project Coach: Ms Janet Abenoja