Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil. Most commonly, hydroponics cultivates plants in nutrient-rich water. In this study, I used a wick system and performed my own hydroponics experiment. I compared the growth rate of coriander or lettuce seeds grown hydroponically in a set-up with nutrient-rich water to that of the set-up with plain water. I also observed which set-up produced seedlings faster. Based on the experiment conducted, it is visible that more number of leaves were produced in the nutrient-rich water set-up. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of a hydroponics system would result in more plants produced.

  • Researcher: Fedrico Fernando Gozali
  • Category: B (P5) - Science and Engineering
  • School: BBS Primary - Pantai Indah Kapuk
  • Project Coach: Ms Lydia P. Buccahan