  • Researchers: Alfonz Setiady, Le Qelzhton Callenzo, Matthew Ian Tjokro and Warren Atmadja
  • Level/Campus: Primary 5 - Pantai Indah Kapuk
  • Abstract: The portable air conditioner aims to demonstrate that though ingenuity and common sense, we can find ways to re-invent some things using household materials and making them function nearly as well as the originals. The portable air conditioner is a great option for individuals who desire the benefit of AC at an affordable cost especially with the onset of rising global temperatures. Heat strokes are serious conditions that affect a lot of people around the world. Portable air conditioners, by creating cooler indoor spaces, play a key role in preventing heat strokes. Their affordability enhances accessibility, ensures good healthfor all, particularly in economically challenged areas where cost-effective solutions are essential.
  • Project Coach: Mr Jonas P. Austria