March 12, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

BBS KJ Model United Nations (MUN) 2020

BBS Kebon Jeruk hosted the inaugural Model United Nations (MUN) for almost 200 delegates who came fully prepared in January 2020. 

Written by: Evelyn (4 Newton) Mandarin Segment

Written by: Felicia (4 Newton) English Segment

在二月六日,陪明学校西部校区进行了第二届 BBS MUN。在这里,194名陪明学校的学生一起讨论怎么解决社会上的问题。着这194名学生们被分成五个小组,分别是 UNSC, AC, UNCC, UNESC,  WHO 等。这些小组会解决不同的问题。但今年的主题是关于技术。因为在现代,技术展现了广大的进步。所以,因为我们的技术在渐渐进步,我们也要学会适应变化,否则我们将会落后。在第一天,我们大家来到培明学校西部校区集合,在礼堂里一起享受音乐,然后一起在六楼吃晚饭。吃完后,我们就去各自的教室里进行一些游戏为了减少队员之间的尴尬。最后,他们解释了一些规则。然后所有人都回家了。在第二天,我们大家再次在礼堂里集合。完了之后他们下楼到教室里进行辩论。一两个小时之后,他们休息的时间到了。学生们到 MPH 里吃小吃。他们在一起聊天,很开心。然后他们又进行了辩论,时间到的时候他们就上楼去礼堂里听演讲。演讲的话很有趣,而且非常有意义。演讲完了之后他们又再次回到各自的教室,进行第三次辩论。到了晚上七点,我们在酒店里进行晚宴。所有老师,领导,学生们都有声有笑,气氛很欢乐。晚宴进行到一半时,学生们开始表演节目。有的跳舞,有的唱歌。有的玩吉他,有的拉小提琴。我相信这次晚宴是一个令人难忘的晚宴。在第三天,也就是最后的一天,我们再次进行了两次辩论。最后到礼堂里颁发奖励。很遗憾的是有些同学已经在回到三宝龙的路上,所以有些人没有机会在台上演讲。颁完奖礼后,所有同学和彼此所以生再见,然后第二届 BBS MUN 就结束了。

The Model United Nations is an academic simulation where students act as delegates representing different countries. There are seven committees where students aim to achieve consensus and solve a problem. The committees are UNHRC, UNCC, UNESC, UNSC, ASEAN, WHO and UNEP.
UNHRC discuss problems about human rights, UNESC about economics, UNCC crisis, UNSC security, ASEAN south east asian countries, WHO world health and finally UNEP about environment. The delegates come in formal attire from all over Bina Bangsa’s campuses.
The first day was an introduction day. The delegates gather in the hall where they were shortly briefed about the rules and what would happen tomorrow. They then had to separate into different rooms for a preliminary meeting with the chairs.
The second day is when MUN officially started. The delegates, chairs, committee and special guests gather once again in the hall to participate in the opening ceremony.
Students from Bina Bangsa School Kebon Jeruk Secondary orchestra, WNJCC and BBS KJ dance CCA collaborated to show everyone a wonderful performance of “We Are the World”. The chairs of each committee were introduced and given a certificate of appreciation.
After a short break, the committee sessions began. A problem is mentioned and each delegate gets to speak for 2 minutes and state their thoughts. They then would propose the motion where every delegate gets to vote. The census motion would pass.
Each session runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes. The lunch and dinner provided were delicious and everyone were refreshed after they ate. After the second committee session, it was the plenary session. Two very special guests, Hendrik Therik and Vania Santoso, were invited and they very kindly explained the UN Agencies.
The second day was very busy and tiring. However, these delegates keep on working hard and doing their best throughout the 3 committee sessions.
At the same day, we have the evening gala. Door prizes were raffled. The certificates of appreciation were given to the secretariats. Along with the certificates of appreciation, certificates are also given to the BSP graduates who are now student cultural ambassadors. Performances were done by every BBS campus across Indonesia. Speeches were given and minds were inspired. We all danced the night away. Overall, the gala was a memorable event for all of us.
The third day was the final day and 2 last committee sessions were held. After that, the closing ceremony was held. Awards were given for the best position paper, best delegate, outstanding essay and honorable mention. Unfortunately, these past 3 days have ended.
It is amazing to see how creative the delegates can be but not only do the delegates deserve praise, but everyone did. The chairs directed the debate, the liaison officers guided the delegates, and last but not least, the secretariats and teachers are the ones who made the MUN possible. We hope more students would join MUN next year.
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