February 24, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

Creative Arts Road Show 2017

British Council is going to conduct a Creative Arts Road Show bringing a number of United Kingdom (UK)
universities to some international schools and universities in Jakarta to give the students an overview
of the UK education in creative industries and arts, as well as to introduce the opportunity to continue
the higher education in the UK. During this event, British Council would like to hold a mini exhibition where
students and their parents can consult directly to the UK representatives and simultaneously several
creative art workshops.

Bina Bangsa School Kebon Jeruk – Secondary & Junior College will host the Creative Arts Road Show on Friday, 20 October 2017, from 08.00 am to 11.00 am. Participating UK universities: De Montfort University, Goldsmiths – University of London, Liverpool John Moores University, University of Gloucestershire, University of Kent, and University of Southampton.

Students (Secondary 3 to Junior College 2) may choose to attend these workshops:

Co-Creative Network: Why networking is so important in the creative industries, How networks operate and how students can get involved, How creativity occurs and why the issue of co-creation is important, The legal position regarding co-creation, How to develop a career development plan that thinks about networks in cities and sectors.

Portfolio Preparation: Tips and trick to create an art portfolio for university application. Students would need to bring one piece of their art work (electronic version would be fine).

London in Film: This talk focuses on the cinematic image of London and is based on the close analysis of a series of case studies from silent cinema to digital film. It address the use of specific locations, private and public places and spaces, including touristic, cultural and industrial landmarks. This presentation, which is partly based on Maurizio’s book “Of Empire and the City: Remapping Early British Cinema”, also aims at assessing the cinematic city in the broader context of British film cultures.

Sustainability in Landscape Architecture: Sustainable landscape architecture is a category of sustainable design concerned with the planning and design of outdoor space. This can include ecological, politically correct, social and economic aspects of sustainability.

Register NOW because the space is limited! Fill out the following registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/LoUuX3C364CCdq2i2

Featured image taken from: https://creativeconomy.britishcouncil.org/media/thumbnails/uploads/galleries/Jasmine_Johnson_Upright_2016_Wall_mounted_billboard_print

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