March 4, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

Students of the Month “Mar 2018”

Congratulations Students of the Month (March 2018)

By Mr Hasan Sie (Discipline Master)

Commencing from the academic year 2017, BBS KJS has selected students deserving of the Student of the Month award. This award is given to students who have shown the exemplary behavior, including following all school policies and rules to the best of their ability, and do not have any disciplinary actions taken against them in the given month. In addition, the Student of the Month is also recognized for possessing the character traits of respect, care, integrity, and responsibility.

Ivesavega Djianto (Sec 1 Wycliffe)

INTERPERSONAL, MUSICAL, BODILY-KINESTHETIC are just some of the many traits that Ivesa possess. Interpersonal because she relates well with her teacher, classmates and schoolmates; Musical because she was able to entertain hundreds through her ability in playing a cello which is bigger than her; Bodily-kinesthetic because of her gymnastics prowess.

Natasha Patricia Kwa (Sec 2 Taylor)

Natasha is a bright and polite student. She is a role model for her excellent behavior. She consistently does her work and is definitely a self-motivated student.





Oliver Widjaja (Sec 3 Newton)

Oliver has consistently shown a positive attitude towards school. He always pays attention during lesson and submits his assignments on time. He is also well-liked by his peers due to his easy going personality.




Electra Amara Florence (JC 1 Forbes)

Electra is a well-grounded student, who, despite her roles as a conductor in the school choir and orchestra and as a prefect remains a level-headed and hardworking student. She performs well in her school work and remains teachable always. Her classmates get along well with her and she seems to always set a good example in her speech and conduct.

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