March 5, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

University of Waterloo – 2017/2018 Mathematics & Computer Science Contests

Dear BBS KJS students,

If you had paid to participate in the Mathematics and/or Computer Science contest(s) organized by the University of Waterloo’s Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing for the 2017/2018 series, can you please check if your name appears on the list of 2017-18 Waterloo Entrants? Also, please check if your name had been correctly spelt. If you need any assistance, please contact Mr. Uthaiyaventhan no later than January 26, 2018. [A tick appears only against names of those who had submitted the form].

In addition to wishing you well, we at the Mathematics department also want each of you to have a wonderful experience as a contestant. To help you prepare for the upcoming contest(s) well in advance, we encourage you to try out some of the past contest problems that can be found at

If you registered for the Canadian Computing Competition [CCC] and wish to use the CCC Online Grader to test your skills, please click Should you require any assistance with the Grader, please talk to your ICT teacher.

The following are the dates/times of the contests:


Supervising Teacher(s): Mr. Kim

PASCAL & FERMAT: February 28 2018 @ 0645

Supervising Teacher(s): Mr. Rogel & Ms. Joanna

EUCLID: April 12 2018 @ 0900

Supervising Teacher(s): Mr. Rajesh & Mr. Uthaiya

GAUSS: May 17 2018 @ 0645

Supervising Teacher(s): Ms. Nerissa & Ms. Sarah

We’ll advise you on the contest times and venue soon. So please keep on the lookout for that important detail, only on BBS Connect.

Once again, all the best from the Mathematics and ICT teachers at BBS KJS who love you very much.

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