March 18, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

What to do during school break?!

Do you ever feel like there is nothing more to do once school is over? No more homework that you cramped before, tests to study for, yet you would prefer this rather than getting stressed about school. Here are a list of things you can do when you’re bored!

The most exciting one would be to travel! When you travel, you can see the wonders of nature, the beauty that has yet to be discovered! Take lots of photographs to keep as memories, at the same time, expand your knowledge! However, if this is not possible, these are some things to do without needing to go out of the country.

The first thing that you can do to pass time would be getting off your phone and start going out with your friends or even just by yourself. This will surely distract you since you will have loads of fun and laughter and you won’t even feel time pass by. Not only that, but it is healthy for your eyes to stop staring at your phone for a solid 3 hours.

But, what if your friends aren’t available? Then, you can start exercising in your neighborhood, run a few laps, get active and this will also benefit you at the same time. If you want to take it to the next step, maybe even start hiking up mountains or hills! If you don’t like running, then go swimming instead, you can grow taller. You’re not only killing boredom, but you’re also letting your body stay healthy and active.

Next, you might want to try on a new hobby. Hobbies like baking, crafting, etc are very good for distracting yourself, and, through this you can find a new interest. When you craft, you can increase your creativeness and expose it more! Hobbies can also increase your skills in certain activities.

The one thing that everyone would probably do, including myself, would be to just snuggle up in bed with food and just binge-watch until you get tired and sleep then repeat the whole process every single day. Catch up with the shows you have missed while being too busy with school or even just binge-watch movies from the 90s. If this is you, maybe you should start making changes, start going out more, don’t just strand yourself in your room.

Lastly, go spend time with the people you love! Watch movies or play games with them, you will definitely have a memorable time! You can even have picnics with them if you want! If you’re up for a tiring ride but awesome views, go on a road trip! You don’t need to go far away, just by having a road trip in your country would be enough. Not only will you get to see the beauty of your homeland, but you are also able to kill time. The boredom in the car will let you speak and communicate more with your family. Trust me, the trip would be worth it.

While doing all this, you will surely not even feel time pass by and term break will soon be over.

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