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Written By · 28 July 2022 · 2 min read       Copy Article URL

Are the SPK Schools and International Schools the Same

  • Before 2015, the term' international school' was popular among parents seeking an English-language-based education system in Indonesia. A variety of schools offering internationally recognised curriculum, such as Cambridge or International Baccalaureate (IB), falls into that 'international school' category. However, following a direction from Indonesia's Ministry of Education in February 2015, schools adopting international curriculums were renamed as Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama (SPK) schools. This rebranding is intended to create a clear distinction between local schools adopting international curricula and actual schools that are foreign-owned and operated, solely intended for the children of foreign diplomats and expatriates, which can retain their 'International School' titles.

    Despite the new title, the quality of education and internationally recognised curriculum used by SPK schools remain essentially the same. Parents enrolling their children into SPK schools can remain confident that their children will enjoy an array of top-tier facilities private SPK schools are known for. Furthermore, intrinsic benefits from an SPK education such as exposure to the international standard of learning, the use of English across the majority of the learning process, and the delivery of lessons by qualified teaching staff include native speakers from western countries.

    For students aspiring to continue their education overseas, SPK school education is still a viable pathway to gain recognised high school certification for access to a reputable overseas university. Over the past decades, Indonesia's SPK school education has a good track record of admission into local and foreign universities. This includes an Indonesian public figure who was also an SPK school graduate who made it into the headlines for receiving an offer letter from two Ivy League universities. 

    Bina Bangsa School (BBS) was certified by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) in 2001. Supported by a multinational teaching faculty and a holistic approach to learning, BBS has enabled more than 4,000 students across six major Indonesian cities to benefit from the Cambridge-based curriculum. From Primary level (Cambridge Primary), Secondary (IGCSE), to Junior College (A-Level) certifications, BBS students can experience a continuous Cambridge-based curriculum learning, an equivalent of the education system used in Singapore government schools.

    On top of being a pioneer of the Cambridge curriculum in Indonesia, Bina Bangsa School is also the first to introduce a Chinese Language subject as part of the school curriculum, and an award-winning Chinese Orchestra program as one of the extracurricular options students can choose to participate in. BBS believes in preparing its students beyond the academic grades and performances and enabling them to be ready for a workforce in the era where the Asian region rises in their influence in the global economy. 

    If you are looking for a reputable SPK school that can help your children unlock their best potential, look no further than the most experienced Cambridge-certified SPK school. BBS currently opens its registration for new students in its six campuses in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Malang, and Balikpapan. Find out how to register on the BBS official website here.



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