February 24, 2025

BBS Connect

Bridging You To The Outside World

BBS KJS Videos: Sing To The Dawn

In the spirit of providing a platform for students to voice their ideas and showcase their talent and editing skills, BBS KJS presents to you Video Highlights.

Prepared by: Students of Secondary 1 Pascal

For our English Literature group work, we decided to bring the characters in the book to life with a short interview.

Brianna (as the host)
Katherine (as Dawan)
Jeremy (as Dawan’s teacher)


* The opinion expressed here are solely exclusive of the authors and due care has been exercised to avoid any form of plagiarism as much as possible.

* If you have an original video that you would like to share, why not be part of BBS Video Highlights? Send us your video file (.mp4 or .mov) via email to ganeswaran.kjs@binabangsaschool.com (and do not forget a short introduction!)

* Your video must be engaging, sensitive, informative, and more than 2 minutes

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