In the spirit of providing a platform to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS presents to...
Personal Development
Ann-yong! Every Saturday saw students of KJS delving into learning the Korean language and with it experience a joyful cultural...
In the spirit of providing a platform for students to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS...
In the spirit of providing a platform for students to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS...
In the spirit of providing a platform to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS presents to...
In semester 2, the students of Sec.3 worked on producing their own storybooks for their respective classes as part of...
In the spirit of providing a platform for students to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS...
Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes. With these, a few KJS students undertook the challenges of making a...
The Yearbook Editorial Board is looking for passionate individuals to work on a student-led yearbook. Prepared by: Evelyn Huang (Sec....
In the spirit of providing a platform for students to voice their ideas and showcase their writing skills, BBS KJS...