Oleh: Amanda Kosasih, Sec 3 Crosby Film ini menceritakan kisah tentang kehidupan pahlawan nasional negara kita, Raden Adjeng Kartini, yang...
Harvard Model Congress Asia is a global conference where international high school students learn and experience government while playing the...
On Thursday, April 13 2017, we had our sports day which took place at Soemantri Brodjonegoro Stadium. Our warm up...
What pops into your head first when you think of Korean food (K-Food)? Maybe kimchi, kimbap, bulgogi, tteokbokki, ramyeon or...
On Thursday, November 17th, 2016, a ground-breaking event transpired. That day, the Secondary One classes were converted into virtual classrooms....
Dengan sikap positif dan pantang menyerah, Valmay Teruna bisa melakukan apa saja. Pemenang seluncur es ini menikmati proses mendorong kepribadian...
Biarpun pernah sementara dikeluarkan dari Dewan Prefectorial (Prefectorial Board), Marco sadar bahwa dia harus mengubah sikapnya. Peristiwa itu ia anggap...
What is this competition about? This competition is an innovation challenge that required the students to think about the future...
KC: Why do we celebrate Independence Day? PB: First, we need to know and cannot forget about our history. It...